
【皇冠体育】Dr. Perakis Anastassios Nicholas短期授课:Maritime Economics 2021-01-06
【皇冠体育】交通运输类专业教材建设研讨会 2021-01-06
【皇冠体育】Seminar 2021-01-06
【皇冠体育】庆上海海事大学成立110周年交通运输学院校友高端论坛II 2021-01-06
【皇冠体育】庆上海海事大学成立110周年交通运输学院校友高端论坛I 2021-01-06
【皇冠体育】胡勤友:数据驱动航运的探索---数字化航运的理论与实践 2021-01-06
【皇冠体育app】Qing Cai (蔡青):In the Era of Digitalization: Better 皇冠体育ation Safety Prediction with High-Resolution Data 2021-01-06
【皇冠体育】Achim I. Czerny:Airport Congestion with Business and Leisure Passengers: Prices vs. Permits Under Uncertainty 2021-01-06
【皇冠体育】Anming Zhang:Challenges and opportunities of aviation industry under increasing environmental concern: Amsterdam and Hong Kong airports 2021-01-06
【皇冠体育】陶学宗:货运结构调整背景下港口集疏运公转铁的发展思路 2021-01-06